Why it’s important to state the obvious when you sell!
Often you can fall in to the trap of not stating what is obvious because it is obvious to you. You need to remember that you know about what you are selling and you know what to expect. What might seem apparent to you may be very confusing for customers.
Imagine in a restaurant, there is a broken table. The table has a sign saying ‘Metal post exposed, Please be careful.’ To the majority of people the sign is not needed as they would have realised it was broken and been careful. Yet to other people it may have not been so clear, they may have thought the table was supposed to be like that resulting in having an accident. This is something to remember when selling. If you don’t tell the customer something you cannot assume that they will know. In the same way different customers will assume different things, so it is much better to be obvious and clear from the start so there is no confusion and there is less chance of something going wrong.
Being clear and honest creates trust, when you are obvious and make clear what you are offering you begin to create a trusting relationship with your customer. They will appreciate your business for being upfront. This can secure future relationships as well as people are likely to return to a business that they trust.
Through doing this you are not only helping yourself but protecting yourself legally as well. With the example of the broken table, the sign warned the customer from a potential hazard. The notice meant that it was clear to everyone that the post was broken, and if a problem was still to occur you have done all you can to warn them.
What is the best way to state the obvious to your customers?
It can get repetitive telling every customer the same things. It’s a good idea to make a simple document that outlines what the customer should expect from you and what you expect from them. This way there is no confusion over what you are selling. When making this document it is really important that you keep it as simple as possible. It needs to be produced in plain English so there will be less chance of misunderstandings. Doing all of this not only means you are offering great customer service but you are minimising the amount of questions that the customer will need to ask you. This means that the whole process will be much easier for both you and the customer.
For all your Web design, graphic design and sign writing needs in Bury St Edmunds, Give us a call!
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